Sunday, February 23, 2025

Obsessed: full-length album 20 years after the band broke up

Posted by Redação Mondo Metal On February - 4 - 2013


Christiano Gomes
English version by Ale Grassi

Versão em português: clique aqui


Belo Horizonte. As the second half of the 80´s commenced, dozens of bands emerged from the country’s Heavy Metal capital looking for a chance in the spotlight. On one side, the Cavalera brothers Max and Igor, together with Paulo Junior and the newcomer Andreas Kisser were about to release the spectacular Schizophrenia, an album which would be pirated all over the world, serving as a ticket to the world of stardom. On the other side, practically dividing the city into two, Wagner Antichrist, Gerald Incubus and Sarcófago hit the store shelves with one of the greatest black metal albums the world would witness: the controversial I. N. R. I. The creative year of 1987 would also bring albums such as Consciente…, by Overdose – which followed the split album Seculo XX/Bestial Devastation with Sepultura – and the first works of Chakal (Abominable Anno Domini), Mutilator (Immortal Force) and Holocausto (Campo de Extermínio).


In the same year, within a favorable scenario, with a strong local record company and all the attention towards the capital of Minas Gerais, the band Obsessed emerged. A four piece founded by the drummer Guilherme Cosse (currently drumming for Bonecrusher – awarded the Best New Band in 2012 by Mondo Metal), guitarist and singer Daniel Martins, guitarist Vlad Calado and bassist Angelo Castro. The band’s name, which was taken from the classic Obsessed by Cruelty by the German Thrash legend Sodom, left us clues as to which bands they were influenced by: Kreator, Hellhammer, Celtic Frost, Slayer and of course Sodom themselves. The band contributed actively to the lively underground metal scene of the capital for a few years.



Also read:
+ Conheça os vencedores do Prêmio Mondo Metal (in portuguese)
+ Bonecrusher: metal old-school para poucos (in portuguese)


Obsessed’s founder Guilherme Cosse (far right) and his current band Bonecrusher


The band’s only release, the 1989 demo-tape entitled The Prophecy, had a special guest appearance of none other than Vladimir Korg, the lead singer of the thrash masters Chakal. The demo-tape ended up being forgotten for several years in some dusty old chest only to be recently found by the founder of the band and sent to the guitarist Ale Grassi, from the last line-up, who improved it and made it public.


As a result, members of the last line-up decided to get back together and record a full-length album twenty years after the band broke up. The four-piece formed by the Grassi brothers Ale (Guitars) and Profano (Vocals), Marcelo Couto (Drums Ex-Sex Trash) and Leonardo Freitas (Guitars) is currently working on the recordings both in the UK and Brazil simultaneously. When questioned about the band getting back together, its founder gets excited and supports it 100%. Guilherme is also happy to know that the track recorded almost 25 years ago has been drawing the attention of the new generation of fans: “When I started growing fond of music, I also liked bands that had recorded their work years before I was born. I understand there is a cycle to everything and that could not be any different with music. I am particularly happy to know that the newer generations are growing fond of our work that was recorded almost 25 years ago! It is extremely gratifying! It was the beginning of everything for me!”


The Grassi brothers in England: Ale and Profano record part of the album in London


The new album is still untitled, but might be released later this year, and it will feature both old and new songs, not to mention a possible cover. When questioned about a possible re-recording of The Prophecy, the guitarist Ale Grassi was somewhat evasive.


Do not miss the chance to get to know a little bit of Minas Gerais underground history!


Obsessed at Mondo Metal radio show

Mondo Metal apresenta: Obsessed by mondometal05



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One Response to “Obsessed: full-length album 20 years after the band broke up”

  1. Carste Fanini says:

    great post!

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