Sunday, February 23, 2025

Massacre absolve Brazilian promoters and talk about a 2014 Brazilian Tour

Posted by Redação Mondo Metal On October - 29 - 2013


chris - ale


Monday, the 14th of October, Mondo Metal published an article highlighting the cancellation of the Brazilian Tour of the North American death metal band Massacre. The information was taken from an official statement given by Damar Productions – Master’s representative in Brazil – in which full responsibility for failing to obtain visas at the Brazilian Consulate in Miami was given exclusively to the band. It was also mentioned that Massacre tried obtaining them by other means, which would then fail to comply with what had been initially proposed by the Brazilian production.


Soon after the article was published, Massacre’s lawyer Eric Greif and guitarist Rick Rozz contacted Mondo Metal with a second version about the cancellation of the four shows the band would perform in Brazil. Greif blames it on the Brazilian promoter Raul Echeverría López, from REL Concerts, who was the one responsible for obtaining the working visas. After receiving a phone call from López confirming the visas were ready, Rozz travelled almost 500 miles from Orlando to the Brazilian Consulate in Miami only to find out nothing had been organized. Raul even tried convincing the band to travel with tourist visas, a suggestion which, according to the lawyer, was instantly turned down “of course that would be illegal and we would not agree”.


Read more
Turnê brasileira do Massacre é cancelada


Greif also took the chance to emphasize that the Brazilian promoters were not to be blamed for the cancellation: “The Brazilian promoter Paulo ‘Maniac’ Sergio Vilela was, on the other hand, a great guy to deal with, and we greatly regret that this has been bad for him – the same with Hamilcar Zaim from Damar Productions.  These are innocent Brazilian promotion guys who also have suffered as a result of Raul.”.


In another article, Rozz reassures Massacre were not to be blamed and confirms they will tour Brazil in 2014: “Massacre will see you in 2014 with a real tour”.


The tour was scheduled to stop in Fortaleza/CE (19/11), Belo Horizonte/MG (22/11), Rio Negrinho/SC (23/11) and São Paulo/SP (24/11).


Mondo Metal went after the Brazilian promoter Raul Echeverría López, from REL Concerts, but with no success. Hamilcar Zaim, from Damar Productions did not reply.

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