Sunday, February 23, 2025

Expurgo: the split album-making machine

Posted by Redação Mondo Metal On February - 21 - 2013


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How many split albums do they have in their discography? Not even the band seems to know for sure: “there are seven altogether”, replies the lead singer only to admit later he is not exactly sure: “I sometimes get lost with all those splits” he adds. But what really matters is, regardless of how many there are, there is more to come! With albums released all over the world, the 4-piece from Minas Gerais (considered by many as the Brazilian Napalm Death) say 2013 has at least two more split albums in store.


The band is currently recording the tracks that will be featured on the two split-albums that will be released this year. The first one is already at its final stage. It will be with the Germans from Intestinal Infection and has its European release deal already sealed. The second will feature the “gauchos” from Flesh Grinder and will be released in Brazil by a yet-unnamed record label. Both split-albums will be released on 7 inch EP vinyl. Alongside these, Expurgo also recorded the track Body Count, which will be featured on a tribute to Disrupt that will also be released this year on LP vinyl.


These recordings will precede what is in store for a second full length, the follow-up to the spectacular Burial Ground, released in 2010. Their debut album got a maximum 10 on Brain Dead, the French zine considered to be the world’s grindcore “bible”. At the time, the French editor Pierre Palmas mentioned Expurgo became his favorite Brazilian band: “it’s bands like these that make me believe in grindcore. 29 songs and not even one unlistenable!” The new album may be released this year when the band celebrates 10 years of brutal existence.


And for those of you thinking this is enough, the band is already working on the production of two more split albums. It seems we will be hearing a lot from Expurgo this year. Well, they are very much inclined and certainly not out of breath! And the fans really appreciate that!


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2 Responses to “Expurgo: the split album-making machine”

  1. They kick some serious ass!!!

  2. David says:

    I love these guys!

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