Sunday, February 23, 2025

Exodus also banned from Disney!

Posted by Redação Mondo Metal On February - 14 - 2013


Christiano Gomes
English version: Ale Grassi

Versão em português: clique aqui


Guess what? It’s happened again! It hasn’t even been three months since Disney banned Machine Head from playing at one of its clubs and the same story happens again with Exodus.


The North American 5-piece was stopped from playing at the House of Blues in Orlando at a day-off from their current Metal Alliance Tour. The band released an official statement explaining the reasons for cancelling the show: “Disney has decided we are too metal for them, so Exodus will not be playing at the House of Blues in Orlando. We’ve been invited to play at The Orpheum instead. Who’s coming out for a lesson in violence?”


Machine Head and Exodus were not the first ones to have had problems with Disney Studios. The very same studio that uses heavy soundtracks such as Motörhead (for the animated film Bolt) in their productions has already banned bands like The Faceless, Daath, Snot and Gallows from playing at their premises.


Despite the problems with Mickey and his crew, Exodus will continue touring together with Anthrax, Municipal Waste, High on Fire and Holy Grail until the end of April. The band has recently played in the cities of Rosário and Córdoba in Argentina.


In the wake of Disney’s bigotry against heavy music and its constant heavy metal banning, it is about time organizers paid back by boycotting the House of Blues and not scheduling shows at any of their clubs anymore.

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