Sunday, February 23, 2025

23 years later Insulter is back

Posted by Redação Mondo Metal On March - 20 - 2013


Christiano Gomes
English version: Ale Grassi

Versão em português: clique aqui


Minas Gerais has recently seen comebacks from bands whose names have been printed in the history of Metal worldwide. It was like that with Witchhammer, Chakal and Sextrash (Overdose also mentioned a comeback that ended up never happening) Obsessed recently, and now it is time for Insulter, band founded by the late great Oswaldo Scheid (in memoriam), Sextrash’s vocalist. 23 years after their last show, Insulter is back with a new lineup and now as a trio. In order to get to know more about the comeback of another important band from Minas Gerais’ metal scene, Mondo Metal talked to the guitarist and vocalist Reinaldo Resan. The only original member not only talked about their comeback, but also about the bands’ future plans.


Mondo Metal: Before we go any further, it is nice to hear about Insulter’s comeback. How did that happen?
Reinaldo Resan: I have been trying a comeback since 1994, but it never happened due to professional and personal reasons. When talking to Carlos Bosch (Vocalist) we mentioned that we needed to record the old songs and after meeting with dummer Ricardo, we decided to go ahead and not only record the old songs, but also write new ones. That was back in 2010/11 and the project was meant to have 14 songs altogether. I hadn’t played guitar for 4 years, so I needed some time to get my act together. It was in September 2012 that I finally sent some tracks over to Ricardo so that he could work on the drums. He unfortunately passed away 10 days after. We were so shocked that Carlos gave up the idea. To me, Insulter was like a thorn in my flesh that had been bugging me for a long time… People make mistakes in their lives and not keeping Insulter alive was my mistake. It was a story that had a beginning but was missing most of the plot. We owed that to ourselves. When Ricardo passed away I realized our dreams and projects should be prioritized rather than constantly postponed. This is what makes the difference.


Mondo Metal: What can we expect in terms of a set-list for the upcoming show?
Reinaldo Resan: It’s also the comeback of a historic festival: Metal BH We’re playing old songs such as Black Church and Twilight Line as well as new ones. And of course, some covers that influenced us. We will pay homage to Oswaldo Pussy Ripper (Sextrash’s vocalist that passed away in a car accident) as well as to Denis Fernandes and Ricardo Nascimento. We will also have some guest appearances from our old friends from the 80′s metal scene. I’m afraid I can’t say anything else, except that it is going to be a remarkable show. Probably the most important and relevant in the past few years.


Mondo Metal: Is it going to be a one show only or is it for good?
Reinaldo Resan: When I got together with Ricardo and Carlos I mentioned that once recording the old songs we would undoubtedly be invited to play. I even turned some invitations down last year. As of today I can assure you we are back for good! Insulter is currently my most important project! High priority!


Mondo Metal: So what are the bands plans?
Reinaldo Resan: Firstly, perform outstandingly on our upcoming show, exceeding everybody’s expectations. Then go ahead with the recordings so that we can release our first album and consequently do many shows. Lastly, spread the Insulter legion around the world!


Also read:
20 anos depois, mineiros do Obsessed estão de volta


Mondo Metal: What do you think about this comeback fever? Is the current metal weak?
Reinaldo Resan: I believe the main reason why a lot of bands gave up in the past was amateurish producers and record labels as well as lack of resources. Things were really hard back in the 80′s. Recording a simple demo-tape was very costly. Not to mention that after that we had to count on friends with artistic skills for our covers. Everything was glued together and xerox copies were made. That’s how we used to make our demo-tapes. Very old-fashioned. It’s great to see classic metal bands coming back together. It’s an opportunity for the new generation to see what we are capable of. There are many great bands being born lately. Brazil is famous for being the cradle to bands that received worldwide recognition. Sarcofago and Sepultura are among the best bands of all time. Even Insulter, that had a chance to release only 2 demos with four songs ended up writing its name on the history of heavy metal. I believe metalheads will benefit largely from this merging of generations.


Cartaz do show de retorno da banda e de apresentação na década de 80 (detalhe)

A 23 year gap: posters from the upcoming show and their last performance back in the 80′s.


Mondo Metal: What is the current lineup?
Reinaldo Resan: This time round I have invited the ex-members from Angerise Pedro Jaued (Bass and backing vocals) and Stv James (Drums).


Mondo Metal: When was the band’s last show?
Reinaldo Resan: Just a few days ago. (Laughter) At Riacho, Contagem, together with Evil Hammer, Attomica and Genocidio back in 1989!


Thank you very much for this interview. We at Mondo Metal wish Insulter a great comeback show and a long and solid career!

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